Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Audience profile


Gender; primarily males, secondary females. This is because you would usually see a sexualised woman on the front of magazines which attracts the male eye but a lot of women are into R&B music and like music magazine which would make them a secondary audience.

Age;  15-25year olds this is because many R&B music magazines have bad language in them with could be offending to those under 15, I wish the audience could be younger as it would allow more of a wider age group attracting more customers making more money. Magazines don’t have an age limit to them which means anyone can buy them but the audience in which I was aiming for would be.

ABC; D/E this would be because this involves more people of the age group as a lot of them will be students escaping from work, and many people in higher class jobs don’t have the time to sit down and read a music magazine in their everyday life plus these people are usually older than 25 and have children so don’t have the time.

Religion; any, many people of all religions read different thing and stereotypically speaking it would be produced in the UK so would most likely be bought by white British people, but the race of the reader of these magazines are black due to a lot of the rap singer, however this is just stereotypically speaking.

Education; secondary school/ college/ university, the age I have chosen would make this a suitable education status. 

Employment; possibly a weekend job, considering most of them would be students it would be deemed appropriate to say many of the audience don't have a stable job.

Marital status; most likely not married, considering it is a young age group they would be most likely not to be married.

Income; little if not anything, again with the age group being so low it would be seen that the wouldn’t have a full stable job and would have little to no outcome.

The Psychographics; would be people who listen to the R&B genre as this involves a lot of different artist from rap to contemporary and everywhere in-between, people have different style of music they like to listen to in the R&B category so it would be difficult to pin down just one of them and describe how they look as there are difference in the way they look and act depending on the music each individual listen to.

Lifestyle; There average lifestyle of this age range of 15-25 and they don’t have any financial burdens I think it would be this as this is the target audience age that it’s aimed at. As I have written in the demographics and psychographics the age could be bigger, but the people who listen to this generally have a lot of time on the hands and without it either study or listen to music as they don’t have to pay rent or mortgage

likes; R&B music, famous actors and singers in which they look up to as a role model and want to know all about their life

Dislikes; Rock music, grime, hipsters

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